Hire pros recommended
by your neighbors

Hire pros recommended by your neighbors

We're still working on getting the availability of local businesses in your area
Pressure Washing
Gutter Cleaning
Heating and Cooling
Tree Services
Junk Removal
Window Cleaning
Mowing & Maintenance
Lawn Aeration
Outdoor Lighting
Bush Trimming
Car Detail
Pest Control
Home Organization
Audio & Video
Dryer Vent Cleaning
Landscape Lighting
Windows & Doors
HVAC Maintenance
Brick Repair
Carpet Cleaning
Stump Removal
See what’s happening in the neighborhood
Need work around the house? You’re not alone. See which services your neighbors are booking and join in for group discounts.
Recommendations from your neighbors
See how many times each business has been hired and recommended in your neighborhood. Real reviews only.
All StreetFair Pros are:
Recommended by Neighbors
Interviewed and Vetted by StreetFair
Care about their community reputation
Save with group discounts
Help your neighbors and your favorite local businesses by sharing recommendations and group deals via text, email, or Facebook.
Referrals so good your neighbors must have given them.
Join StreetFair
Referrals so good your neighbors must have given them.
Join StreetFair
What others are saying

Finally!! This is so needed for our neighborhood.

Jess W, Hunter Oaks

I like that I can see businesses that have actually done work in my neighborhood. I trust my neighbors’ reviews and that I won’t get ripped off.

Jon T, Hunters Gate

It’s like Nextdoor, without any of the noise.

Greg J, Woodside Falls

I didn’t see my AC guy on there, but it was so easy to recommend them. I see their truck in my neighborhood all the time now. Go Mitchell!

Alex R, Providence Park

I really like the idea of letting neighbors know of services available in our neighborhood and possibly getting a discount for us all at the same time.

Todd C, Thornhill

I used to manually coordinate group deals with my neighbors over email. This is SO much easier!

Priyanka R, Preston Hollow

I can actually get a contractor to call me back now. They must want my neighbor’s business!

Barb S, Stonebridge Ranch

We moved in last year and StreetFair made it so easy to know who to hire. I could see how many neighbors had recommended each company.

Ashray P, Twin Creeks

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

I like that I can see businesses that have actually done work in my neighborhood. I trust my neighbors’ reviews and that I won’t get ripped off.

Jon T, Hunters Gate

It’s like Nextdoor, without any of the noise.

Greg J, Woodside Falls

I used to manually coordinate group deals with my neighbors over email. This is SO much easier!

Priyanka R, Preston Hollow

I didn’t see my AC guy on there, but it was so easy to recommend them. I see their truck in my neighborhood all the time now. Go Mitchell!

Alex R, Providence Park

We moved in last year and StreetFair made it so easy to know who to hire. I could see how many neighbors had recommended each company.

Ashray P, Twin Creeks

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Streetfair has helped out so many of my neighbors. I’m glad I signed up to bring Streetfair to Northstone.  I can’t suggest it more .

Todd C, Thornhill

Does this cost any money?

Nope! StreetFair is free and easy to use.

Does StreetFair vet companies?

Yes! We pride ourselves ensuring the best experience for home owners. Here are some of the ways we vet companies:

Neighborhood-Driven Recommendations

StreetFair lets you find trusted home service providers recommended by your neighbors. See who they hire and trust, with no paid ads or sponsorships—just organic, neighborhood-approved businesses rising to the top.

Online Reviews
We enhance transparency by pulling in review scores from Google, Facebook, and NextDoor, giving you a fuller picture to make the best choice.

Vetted Service Providers
We personally meet every business owner to ensure they’re committed to quality service, effective communication, and respect for customers.

How do group discounts work?

Businesses save time and money when they can schedule neighbors together. StreetFair lets businesses offer group discounts within a neighborhood.

The more neighbors, the better the deal. Everyone wins!

Can I trust reviews on StreetFair?

Yes! Reviews in StreetFair are from your neighbors with proven service completions.

Do businesses advertise on StreetFair?

No, we don’t allow any ads or paid promotions. Companies cannot pay to be featured on StreetFair.

Listings and rankings are based solely on their reputation.

How does StreetFair make money?

We charge a small service fee to the provider for only the jobs they complete.